Students with More Significant Needs



In addition to the materials sorted into grades 8-12, examples of additional  assessment and activities to prepare students with significant needs for adult living are listed below.

Access fillable versions by downloading the documents after selecting them. Download by clicking the down arrow icon download located in the top right corner. (For some computers the down arrow icon is located within the three vertical dot icon. dots )


Student Transition: Parent Survey

Casey Life Skills

ARC Guidelines

The Arc's Self Determination Scale

AIR Overview

AIR User Guide

AIR Student Form

AIR Educator Form

AIR Parent form

Home Talk

Homes to Support Self Determination

Fostering Self Determination

Person Centered Planning

Project-SEARCH Paper Application 

Project-SEARCH Fillable Application

Journey to Life After High School

RCEB Adult Services Program Types 

Adult Services Resource Guide

Regional Center Adult_Service brochure

Pictoral Interest Inventory 

Self-Determination Program 

Self Determination Brochure Eng
Self Determination Brochure Spanish
Self Determination Brochure Chinese
Self Determination Brochure Vietnamese