9th Grade
Bulleted examples of age-appropriate assessment instruments, materials to support transition activities that will move students toward their post-secondary goals, and resources specifically designed for families are listed below. (Italicized items without bullets were listed in 8th grade. The IEP team may decide it is appropriate to revisit, revise, and/or start these activities for individual 9th grade students)
Access fillable versions by downloading the documents after selecting them. Download by clicking the down arrow icon located in the top right corner. (For some computers the down arrow icon is located within the three vertical dot icon.
Possible Assessments
- Learning Styles Inventory
- Life Values Inventory
- Multiple Intelligences Profile Survey
- High-School-Interest-Inventory
- Transition-Interview
Possible Transition Activities: Education/Training
- College Evaluation Checklist
- Post-Secondary Options
- Example #1: Academic Course of Study
- Example #2: Academic-Course-of-Study
Possible Transition Activities: Employment
Possible Transition Activities: Independent Living
Parent/Student Resources
- How Can Child Be Involved in IEP Process
- People Make It Happen Transition Guide
- Parent Handbook Transition
- Self Determination Framework for People with Psychiatric Needs
- Transition for Youth with Neurological Conditions